A Letter and Resources from Head of School Mary Rose Guerin on AAPI Hate

Forest Ridge Tree
Dr. Erika Lorenzana Del Villar and Dr. Maritza Tavarez-Brown

Dear Forest Ridge Community,

This week, we learned of a violent attack on members of the Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, resulting in the death of eight people in the Atlanta area.

The Forest Ridge community is devastated by the rise in anti-Asian racism across the country and we stand in solidarity with the Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities against these terrifying and hateful acts of violence. We extend our prayers and support to our families and friends in these communities. We know that this tragedy affects you and may leave you scared, confused and frightened. To our Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander students, faculty, staff and families, please know that we are here for you and we stand with you.

As a school rooted in the Sacred Heart foundational principle of “cor unum et anima una”, meaning one heart and one soul, we believe that all people are made in the image and likeness of God and therefore must be held as equal, valued and unconditionally loved. Our mission calls us to embrace diversity as a core characteristic of our community and impels us to work as agents of change in our communities. We must continue to work together to build a stronger society for our students, where all are all respected, accepted and loved for who they are and are safe from threats of violence and persecution.

Our DEI leaders have put together resources for you to discuss with your children:

Gateway to Resources on Combating Anti-Asian Hate For our Community

Teaching About AAPI Identity, History, Stories, and Anti-Asian American Hate

Talking About Race, Racism, Racialized Violence, Tragedy

Responding/Taking Action against Anti-AAPI hate

If you or your student need extra support please do not hesitate to reach out our School Counselor, Hannah Moskat, at hmoskat@forestridge.org or our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinators, Dr. Maritza Tavarez-Brown at mtavarez@forestridge.org and Dr. Erika Del Villar at edelvillar@forestridge.org.


Mary Rose Guerin

  • DEI