6th Grade Science in the Real World

6th Grade Science in the Real World

This week, our 6th grade students are headed to camp for Immersive Week! What is special about camp is that it is a great connection to many of the science classes and programs that students participate in here at Forest Ridge in their classrooms. 

The theme of camp is Citizens of the Salish Sea. Earlier this year, students did a integrated English/Science unit on the Southern Resident orcas, who live in the Salish Sea. The 6th graders read Whale of the Wild by Rosanne Perry in English (a story told from the perspective of a young Southern Resident orca) and studied ecology through the lens of the orca population in science class. At the end of the unit, students wrote letters to their state legislators advocating for action items that can help the Southern Residents recover.

At camp, the 6th grade will get to spend a week right at the shores of the Salish Sea – and who knows, maybe see an orca! Students will also get to take a geology class, which is a great preview for 7th grade Earth Science. What a great opportunity to connect learning in the classroom to the real world! 

Students also receive this list to help them understand how their curriculum ties together across subject matters.