7th Grade Science: Middle School Standard of Investigation
Every year, our 7th grade scientists conduct the craters of the moon lab where they drop objects from different heights into tubs of flour (representing the surface of the moon) to better understand the shape of craters when they hit the moon. This is a chance for 7th graders to practice the MS science standard of investigation:
"By applying accurate scientific knowledge, you design and/or conduct a controlled, objective, and safe investigation which will produce evidence useful for testing a prediction. You explain why your investigation plan is reproduceable."
Within this lab, students are trying to answer the following question: Why are the impact craters on the moon all generally circular if the objects making the impacts (mainly asteroids) are not circular?
Our 7th grade scientists started by designing a plan to test their ideas around this question. Then they added to the plan by gathering data, changing, and testing their ideas. That is why students throw things from different heights (in this case the Forest Ridge balconies) and from longer and longer distances.
It was a great way for students to better understand this real life phenomenon than just reading about it or doing a PowerPoint.
-Ms. Konek, 7th Grade Level Lead and 7th Science Teacher