Rosetta Lee on the Ridge

Rosetta Lee on the Ridge

It was great to have Rosetta Lee on the Ridge to talk to our students, parents, and faculty about practical tools in responding to conflicts and bullying.

Rosetta has been a diversity speaker and trainer on a variety of topics, including cross cultural communication, identity development, implicit and unconscious bias, gender and sexuality diversity, facilitation skills, and bullying in schools. She has worked with over 350 K-12 public and independent schools throughout the country, along with over 100 colleges and universities, nonprofits, businesses, and more.

Some of the questions that Rosetta addressed included, "What is the difference between everyday conflict and bullying?" "How do boys and girls experience aggression differently?" and "How do identifiers like sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, ability, and socioeconomic status affect aggression?" 

Rosetta worked with our students and parents to better understand the implications of bullying and how to manage conflicts among peers. It was great to get this dialogue going within our community and student body.