
The aim of the Mathematics department is to nurture each Forest Ridge student to grow in her knowledge of mathematical content and to deepen her mathematical thinking. We lead students through a curriculum that allows every individual to be challenged to realize her highest mathematical potential, as we recognize that students have differing backgrounds and abilities. Thus, we believe it is essential that each student be placed in the level of mathematics that will provide the appropriate level of challenge.

Mathematics is a global language, and to that end our courses guide students through a global awareness of math through a study of current events through a mathematical lens, hands on projects to demonstrate real world applications, and a variety of cultural views and approaches to math.

Middle School: 5th-8th Grade

Forest Ridge Middle School accelerates math instruction at least one grade level ahead of the students’ chronological grade. For instance, 5th grade follows the 6th grade standards, and this pattern continues throughout middle school.

Furthermore, teachers continuously differentiate instruction to meet the unique needs of each student providing extensions to students demonstrating readiness for more advanced standards. Starting in the 7th grade, students have the opportunity to enroll in upper school level courses and earn up to three upper school credits prior to starting 9th grade.  

All kids will complete one year of upper school mathematics following the completion of 8th grade.   

For those who wish to accelerate by taking a course over the summer, it is our position that students are best prepared for higher-level mathematics classes by taking Algebra 1 and Geometry courses that include instruction, practice, assessment, and feedback. Therefore, we do not allow students to self-study Algebra 1 or Geometry material and challenge the course with an exam. To accelerate out of Algebra 1 or Geometry, students must submit a transcript from one of the approved institutions showing proficiency/competency to the Assistant Head for Academics before the end of the second week of the school year.  

Upper School: 9th-12th Grade

Graduation requirement: 9 bins and satisfactory completion of Algebra II. Students are assessed in the fall of each school year to ensure proper placement.

*Course offerings are based on student interest and minimum enrollment requirements; therefore, some classes listed may not be offered every school year.