Social Studies

Social Studies courses at Forest Ridge give students opportunities to build historical context for understanding modern issues, examine the interconnectedness of our world, and develop their ability to negotiate complex issues with mutual respect and collaboration. Through this study, our students learn to serve the common good in an interdependent world.

The work of our department is grounded in the Goals & Criteria of Sacred Heart Education and the Washington State Social Studies Learning Standards. Social Studies teachers are particularly called to:

  • Immerse students in diverse global perspectives, developing competencies such as critical consciousness, language facility, and cultural literacy [Goal III, Criterion 2]
  • Promote active citizenship and civic responsibility on the local, national, and global level [Goal III, Criterion 5]
  • Cultivate in the students life skills, such as initiative, creativity, and agility [Goal V, Criterion 6]

In their Social Studies classes, all Forest Ridge students hone their academic writing skills, deliberate issues in discussions, and practice their historical analysis, perspective-taking, and research skills. We apply these skills to the study of local, national, and global histories, current world issues, geography, civics, and economics.

Middle School: 5th-8th Grade

Upper School: 9th-12th Grade

Graduation requirement: 12 bins through the class of 2026 / 9 bins beginning with the class of 2027

*Course offerings are based on student interest and minimum enrollment requirements; therefore, some classes listed may not be offered every school year.